


Solo Travel

In late October, the man with a dark complexion and a beard returned to the town and locked himself in his house, burying himself in writing for a week. He accomplished yet another useless book in the world...

Three years ago, he was just a blank sheet of paper who had just graduated from college and achieved nothing. Whenever he thought of himself as a blank sheet of paper, he felt ashamed and determined to leave and go to the most beautiful places in his heart.

Where should he go first? The blank sheet of paper who had just left the school sat on the ground and thought, why sit on the ground? Sitting on the ground can make the brain work faster! Soon, a name came to mind. It was a place called Wuzhen, and beautiful images of Wuzhen instantly unfolded...

There are many rivers everywhere. Grandma's doorstep is a river, and the vendors' feet are on the boats on the river. "Grandma, do you want melons? Just picked, very sweet." "Grandma, I want to eat." The little boy beside Grandma tugged at her clothes. "Can you cut it into pieces?" "Of course, of course," the vendor enthusiastically cut a not-so-small piece. The child widened his eyes in satisfaction...

Grandma is the closest person to the child's childhood. Maybe the parents were in a bad mood when they named him, so the child's name is Zhao Yu, which sounds meaningless. Mom and Dad went to work in Guangzhou. They left Zhao Yu to his grandparents. There are five children in the family, four boys and one girl. They are all raised freely, occasionally biased, giving the second child food, and the third child is Zhao Yu. If he steals cookies from the box, he will be beaten...

Zhao Yu often went to visit his old grandma, who is also his grandma. She is an elderly lady living alone, occasionally playing cards with the elderly neighbors. She still has some interest in life. When Zhao Yu came, Grandma put down the cards and took Zhao Yu to the house to eat cookies. Grandma likes snacks. There are cookies, dried fruits, and spicy strips at home. She often buys a lot, and Zhao Yu can eat enough every time. Then he puts his head on Grandma's legs under the sun, letting Grandma tell stories or clean his ears, or both at the same time. Grandma's efficiency in cleaning ears is really poor. It takes her a whole afternoon each time, and she still can't clean them properly, so Zhao Yu often asks Grandma to clean his ears. He quietly lies on Grandma's legs like this, with the sun shining gently, as if it were a warm story. In the story, there is a warm, pale yellow evening breeze, slowly whispering beside Zhao Yu. When he goes home, he still puts some beans in his pocket...

Wuzhen is located in Jiaxing, Zhejiang. There are so many rivers that you can fish as soon as you open the door. My biggest dream is to rent a shop in Wuzhen, go fishing every day after meals, sell the fish, pay the rent, and continue to live here as a parasite. Fishing should be limited, only enough to pay the rent and living expenses, and then spend an extra five yuan to buy spicy strips.

This is a way of life. I am fascinated by this comfortable life. Occasionally, I dream of being called by the fish god in my dream, "You've fished all my descendants!" I don't agree and retort, "Haha, with such a big river, I only fish this little every day. How could I fish them all? At least I have to fish for a month!" After hearing this, the fish god thinks it makes sense and says, "Okay, you can only stay in Wuzhen for a month!" I nod, and the next day I take my fishing rod and the freshly dug earthworms and take a bus to Wuzhen and settle down.

The rent is so expensive! I have to catch more fish every day than planned, and it's also troublesome to catch fish. There are not many fish in Wuzhen. It takes at least a day to catch enough to cover the rent and food expenses, and I can't buy spicy strips! How can this be possible!! After half a month, I left. It's not because I'm afraid of fishing all the fish or not being able to afford the rent, but because I want to live a life where I can eat five yuan worth of spicy strips every day. So goodbye, Wuzhen sister, you are so beautiful, you must stay beautiful forever. I said something insincere and felt a little uncomfortable. "I know Wuzhen won't stay beautiful forever, she will eventually grow old." However, if her heart doesn't age so easily, she will stay young and beautiful forever, shining like the river surface under the moonlight, quiet and beautiful.

The seaside is a beautiful and clean place, with a ten-mile beach and countless crabs and shells...

It was autumn, and after paying off several months of overdue rent, I hurriedly left Guangdong and the bustling border town.

I went to the mainland's border, the coast of the Yellow Sea.

The coastal road is a romantic place. There are no impatient drivers honking their horns or cursing loudly because the vehicles in front are moving slowly. Everyone wants to slow down and enjoy this warm scene.

Even after leaving this environment, kind people still enjoy life, and irritable people still curse.

The bumpy bus finally stopped, and the autumn sea breeze had a special and enchanting coldness. I squinted and walked by the seaside. There were fewer small animals by the seaside in autumn, and the tide was a bit fierce, as if it wanted to knock people down.

No wonder there were less than ten tourists on the entire beach. I was used to crowded and noisy places. When I came here and listened to the natural white noise, I felt soft all over. Wow, it's so soft, I said to the beach. Yes, I said to the beach. When I woke up, it was already dusk...

An ugly fiddler crab was wandering nearby. Speaking of which, when a person has been lonely for a long time, they can feel the loneliness in any object or creature that has some aspect similar to their own behavior.

However, the fiddler crab may not experience this kind of loneliness. It may be looking for a real little bug, not those elusive things.

After a while, the fiddler crab burrowed into the sand, leaving a small hole. Unable to resist, I reached my hand into it, wanting to catch it. Wow, it pinched my hand!

Enduring the pain, I pulled my hand out with the crab. The fiddler crab hanging in the air was still cold and stared at me expressionlessly. I was amazed by its courage.

Can it still remain calm even when facing Godzilla? I let go of the fiddler crab, and the tide gradually rose. It seemed that the fiddler crab had hidden in the hole just to avoid the tide. It didn't care about me at all.

Ah, so embarrassing.

Now I have to hide from the tide too. Goodbye, seaside~

To Wuzhen, the seaside, Lhasa, Denmark, the Netherlands, and all the places I long for.


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